TIPS on Parliamentary Procedure
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Survival Tips on
Robert's Rules of Order
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The difficult part is remembering that the more urgent motions can not be amended - Adjourn, Question of Privilege, Orders of the Day, Lay on/Take from the Table, Previous Question, Point of Order, Appeal, Parliamentary Inquiry, Suspend the Rules, and Reconsider. During the Debate step of a Pending Motion, one may move to Amend the Pending Motion. All one needs to remember is that there are really only 3 basic processes of amendments:.
You can also Amend the Amendment, before it is voted upon: If you carefully review these 3 basic processes of amendments (insert, strike out, and strike out/insert), you will agree that any other form is not an amendment. Proper usage of these 3 processes will reduce the chances of chaos and confusion that is common during discussion of motions and amendments.
When one understands the means to amend a motion, one will be able to calmly defend oneself from all tyrannical group leaders.
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parilam@roberts-rules.com a member of National Association of Parliamentarians and American Institute of Parliamentarians Created by Cuesta Web Designs; Sacramento, California |