Survival Tips on
Robert's Rules of Order
2016 SSCCC GA Handout

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We must learn to run a meeting without victimizing the audience; but more importantly, without being victimized by individuals who are armed with parliamentary procedure and a personal agenda.
Some Necessary Actions Related to the Handling of a Motion
  1. Before the Handling of the Main Motion    
  2. During the Handling of the Main Motion
  3. After the Handling of the Main Motion
Some Parliamentary Concepts on Video
Though much of this workshop included reference to the California Brown Act, common parliamentary procedure concepts are also incuded.
  1. Agenda (93 MB)
  2. Steps to Handle a Motion (254 MB)
  3. Second (87 MB)
  4. Ranking of Motions (213 MB)
  5. Point of Order (88 MB)
  6. Abstain (94 MB)
  7. Voting (Brown Act) (219 MB)
  8. Some Brown Act Concepts (134 MB)
Some Thoughts
  1. Brown Act Classes for your Organization
  2. Robert's Rules of Order Superseded?
Some California Code
  1. California Brown Act Amended effective 1/1/14.   NEW for 2014!
  2. California Brown Act CC 54950, et seq.
  3. CA Brown Act (my notes).
  4. Davis-Stirling Common Interest Dev. Act CC 1350, et seq.
Relaxation of Brown Act Requirements?
Article: The 2012-13 California Budget Act suspends reimbursements. (8/29/12)
This affects costs associated with the Brown Act's requirements for postings and reportings.
1. Mandated statutes should be funded, say tax sensitive groups.
2. Government should be open and accessible to the public, says the California Constitution.
3. A lack of funding does not affect compliance, says the Brown Act.
4. Inform the constituency and avoid political suicide, say the locally elected officials.
Parliamentary Surprises:
If one is not armed with the fundamentals of parliamentary procedure, one will suffer surprising consequences such as the ones I have seen in various meetings. Read and be prepared.
RONR (Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th Ed., 2011, Da Capo Press, 716 p) --- (916) 203-6894 a member of
National Association of Parliamentarians and
American Institute of Parliamentarians  @

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