Survival Tips on
Robert's Rules of Order
2/3 Vote vs Majority Vote
The basic requirement for approval of an action is a majority vote. However, the following situations require a 2/3 STAND UP vote for approval. Notice that all of these motions rob the individual of his rights. As a compromise between the rights of the individual and the rights of the assembly, a 2/3 vote is necessary:
- Modify an Adopted Rule of Order or Agenda:
- Amend or Rescind the Constitutions, Bylaws, or Agenda;
- Amend or Rescind Something Already Adopted;
- Suspend the Orders of the Day;
- Refuse to Proceed to the Orders of the Day;
- Take up a Question Out of its Order.
- Prevent the Introduction of a Question for Consideration:
- Modify the Extend of Debate:
- Limit or Extend Limits of Debate;
- Call for the Previous Question.
- Close Nominations:
- Repeal an Assignment:
- Take Away Membership or Office;
- Discharge a Committee.
- Make a Motion a Special Order:
The presiding officer should take a rising vote in those motions where a 2/3 vote is required.
You can assure the victory of your ideas, once you are aware of the required amount of vote necessary for adoption of your motion. 