Robert's Rules
on Parliamentary

According to

California State
Association of


Survival Tips on
Robert's Rules of Order

The Effect of the Notice on the Vote

Often your bylaws will state that a Notice is necessary. The Notice has to be given at THE previous meeting. The previous meeting had to have had the prescribed quorum and had to have been properly called.

You will also often find reference to a requirement of the "Entire Membership". This means that if a decision is to be made by a board, "Entire Membership" refers to membership of the board. If a decision is to be made by a convention of delegates, "Entire Membership" refers to membership of the delegates, etc.

  1. Notice and vote required for ordinary actions:
    1. Majority vote in presence of a required Notice
    2. 2/3 Vote in absence of a required Notice
      Example of motions:
    • Standing Rules
    • Many more
  2. Moderate notice and vote requirement for more critical actions:
    1. 2/3 Vote in absence of a required Notice
    2. Majority vote in presence of a required Notice
    3. Majority vote of the entire membership in absence of a required Notice
      Examples of motions:
    • Rescind
    • Amend Something Previously Adopted
    • Discharge a Committee
    • Correct the Minutes
    • Share the Minutes
    • Postpone an event or action previously schedule
  3. Stricter notice and vote requirement for the most critical actions:
    1. 2/3 vote in presence of a required Notice
    2. Majority vote of the entire membership in absence of a required Notice
      Examples of documents or actions involved:
    • Constitution
    • Bylaws
    • Special Rules of Order
    • Rules of Order
    • Establish a new Standing Committee
    • Merge of dissolve an unincorporated society
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Last updated 04/06/2011 17:31:14